Thursday, September 22, 2011


In reading over my posts from the past year or so, I noticed I've gone from "moderately cranky" to "super cranky". Considering I pretty much write about myself and music, that's kind of alarming, indicating a much deeper level of unhappiness than I think I'd actually admit to. In the past six months, we've started looking to leave Texas; however, in the current economic climate, and as grown-ups, we can't simply uproot, throw out clothes in a duffle bag and just go. So for the first time in my life, I'm being tortured by the itch to leave a place and the inability to do so. So also, for the first time in my life, my crankiness seems tied to broader Concerns About Life, rather than Generalized Failure as an artist/ musician/ whatever.

But I finished my three songs (see previous post) and that was a load off my back. I did something; I whittled some little sliver off the fencepost of my ambition. The immediate effects - well - I can't really tell. I'm not really any happier I guess, but at this point, music hasn't been a daily focus of my life. But also, I'm not as cranky - on a daily basis - as this blog might lead you to believe.

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