Thursday, March 24, 2011


We tried to go to the bar across the street from our house last night. It was about 6:00 p.m. The bar was already really crowded and the patio seating was set up for parties of six or more. It was just the two of us. I was mustering the courage to sit down at the last of these six-seaters. Just then a cadre of good-looking young people rode up on their bicycles, their hearts full of hope, and swooped past us to settled into these seats. The fashionably-tattooed waitress - who'd been avoiding eye contact with us - now promptly burst to life and scuttled to their table, seemingly relieved by the prospect of sassier patrons and a bigger tip.

We left and argued and then went to the gas station and bought a six-pack. We dragged two chairs out onto the walkway in front of our apartment and we drank our beer. A wasp is building its nest outside our door. At this time of year, there are wasps everywhere in this neighborhood.

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